We all like to get good deals when we are buying Promotional Products, Gifts and Clothing. Over the years we have developed a reputation for selling for less - without compromising product quality and customer service.
As part of our ‘price beater’ philosophy we constantly benchmark our Promotional Gift prices against our leading web competitors, if we find a similar item elsewhere for less we will lower our costs to better that cost. However, from time to time, competitors have specials and have lower prices - we want to keep your business so we will endeavour to beat any competitors quote. We have developed a very simple method:
If you find the same or similar product from a fellow member of the Australasian Promotional Products Association we will endeavour to beat their quote, here’s how:
We find that the savviest purchasers select a good quality Promotional Product and then find the lowest price for that item. We are here to help you get the lowest price through our price-beater challenge. Don’t be shy - we are looking forward to help you with a longer lasting, better value promotion - contact us now.