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Tradeshow Giveaway Products

Trade show promotional products include a variety of giveaway and gift items that are custom branded with the intent of being given away.  They are usually low-cost items that will draw attendees into your stand and advertise your brand.

Trade Show Promotional Products

Do you have an upcoming tradeshow for your industry and are scratching your head about how you can stand out from the crowd and drum up some more business?  Well fortunately for you Tradeshow promotional products are your solution!  Adding a custom decoration of your logo to a variety of items that you give to attendees can have instant results.  Tradeshow giveaway products are a way to tantalise wary onlookers for the prospect on some freebies and draw them in.  I think we can all admit we've only visited a booth in the past because they were giving away something cool!  A foot in the door is all that you need to turn the onlooker into a potential client.

So why do trade show promotional products work you may ask?   Well for starters it's probably the only advertising your target market will welcome receiving.  It's that combined with the power of free, it provides a tonne of impressions at a low cost and increases customer loyalty and brand recall and recognition.

When choosing tradeshow giveaways it's important to keep 3 things in mind:

Is the product practical - The premise is pretty simple, if it's practical it's going to get used.  This means more impressions and the recipient is going to have a much more positive experience (and association) with your brand.  Examples of this include tote bags, "trade show survival kits", pens etc.

Is the promotional item relevant to the brand - There's always room to be creative with utilising promotional products to send a cohesive marketing message.  You don't want to be giving away sweets if you're a dental organisation for example.  

Is the giveaway item memorable - It's going to be much easier to remember who you received that quirky shirt from than a pen.  It's also important to choose a product that has your logo proudly on display with an easy to see decoration space. 

Tradeshows also known as trade fairs, expos or exhibitions are an important event to spread your networking and put a face to a name on many of your business interactions.  Not only that it should be a pillar of any business's marketing strategy in which you can showcase new products or entice potential clients and generate leads.  All businesses should be taking trade shows seriously.

Some Tips on how to stand out at your next Trade Show

  1. Leverage social media to attract guests - It could be having some sort of competition or having props/a photo space that's "insta" worthy.
  2. Give away something interesting - Sure a pen or mug is going to get the job done.  But something quirky and memorable will cause a splash.  Such as an interesting shaped stress toy, socks, rubix cube.
  3. Put in the work leading up to the trade show - (and after), not just on the day.  Generating a buzz will attract a crowd.  And you know what the best thing at attracting a crowd is?  That's right a crowd.
  4. Unify the team with matching outfits or uniforms - Uniforms can offer cohesive messaging, look more professional and can even increase customer satisfaction.
  5. Utilise video to spread your message - A picture says a thousand words but a short video can say a million.  Having something that attracts your attention and plays on loop is guaranteed to cause ripples.
  6. Invest in "stand out" booth designs - Its simple, if your booth looks awesome and stands out more people are going to visit you.  Consider the ROI implications you could benefit from by investing in booth design to generate more leads.